Be Seen


Be Heard


Be Love


Be Seen ~ Be Heard ~ Be Love ~

Because You Matter. Because You Deserve Love. Because You’re Worth It.

Welcome! My name is Toni Serrano.

I am committed to Raising Resilient Generations by sharing

educational content for balanced, intentional, and optimal living.

I help you

  • reveal + heal dysfunctional patterns (passed down or learned)

  • reveal + step into your Authentic Being.

  • reveal + accomplish your life’s purpose

The Humbled Update Video - sharing all the ways The Humbled Human shows up for you

There are 4 main phases in life. TheHumbledHuman supports you every step of the way.


Discover who you are


Love what you find


Create your life’s work


Help others do the same


Get the resources you need

  • The Ph.D. in Me Podcast

    Conscious Content on the Go!

  • Masterclasses

    Explore wellness principles on your own schedule through a variety of online courses. Sign Up for the password to access exclusive content *donation-based* of course

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Ready to start your wellness journey? or just need some accountability? I got you. In-person or virtual. Schedule Your Free 30-minute Coaching Call & 30-Day Action plan

  • Social Media Videos

    Just like the ones listed above! Watch other content on Instagram & TikTok too!

  • Conscious Apparel

    When you wear this, this is what you represent.

  • 1:1 Services

    Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Personal Training

Mental health resources

  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline

    Call +1-800-273-8255

    Speed Dial 998

    We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness

    NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

  • Find a therapist

    Making professional therapy accessible, affordable, and convenient — so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime and anywhere.

Emergency: 911

National Domestic Violence Hotline: +1-800-799-7233

Human Trafficking Hotline: +1-888-373-7888

Human Trafficking Website



Creating a plan that works for you


Everyone’s needs are different, including yours. That’s why we work together to create a personalized program just for You! Your first session includes a 30-day Action Plan + weekly accountability check-ins. All you need to do is show up, I’ll handle the rest.


When your cup is filled, you can fill the cups of others. At TheHumbledHuman we fill your cup and teach you to fill yours
— TheHumbledHuman

1,000+ cups filled*

2 Free Masterclasses Provided

1,000+ Downloads of The Ph.D. In Me Podcast

17 New YouTube Subscribers

*every cup = 1 life

Make a donation.

Your donation is greatly appreciated & is re-invested into all the above services. My mission is to be there for as many people as I can. Your donation makes it all possible. The highest in Me honors the highest in You, Namaste.

What non-money donations look like:

Sharing content with others

Post reviews on Apple Podcasts, Spotify + reviews below!

Watch the latest podcast episode #52 on Self-Sabotage


#I’mUpset: Thoughts of a Stupid Millennial by Toni Serrano

With so many distractions, so many influences, so many options, so many things to do and so many places to be, is it really possible to cultivate sustained happiness in the modern-day era? I’ve dedicated my entire life to find out. Here’s what I found: When you dive deep within yourself, you can cultivate sustained happiness anytime and anywhere. The question is: How do I go within? #I’mUpset reveals a 3-part method to develop an awareness of Self, acceptance of Truth and the courage to change. Are you losing hope? Do you feel like you have more to offer than what life is offering you? Your time is now. This is the greatest time in history to be You!